Monday, July 30, 2012

Perhaps you are wondering about the lower case "i".  No, it's not a typo (which would be weird, since i do it all the time.  i know i said i was a slow learner, but seriously....).  When i was in high school, i read several books by Ann Kiemel-Anderson.  She employed the lower case "i".  i wish i could remember her exact words (she's a poet...much more adept at language than i!), but the gist of her explanation for the lower case "i" was that, as a writer --- particularly one who writes personal stories and poetry --- the lower case "i" served as a constant reminder of the significant, foundational doctrine of the Sovereignty of God.  The lower case "i", every time it occurred in her thoughts and found it's way to her writing, reminded Ann of God's greatness, His power and authority, His mercy and grace, His great work of grace and of her position before Him as His very small child.  In reformed short-hand, we call this:  "Big God, little me". 

This is, perhaps, the primary arena of my personal temptation.  i want to be great.  i want to be appreciated, and respected, and admired, and adored.  i want to be noticed.  i.  i.  i.  i. 

Get the picture?  To whatever degree Ann Kiemel-Anderson needed the reminder, she will always be my sister in the fight against my own flesh.  Little me.  Big God.  Phew.

p.s.  i found Ann Kiemel-Anderson on-line...after probably 35 years since i read her book.  How crazy is this cyber world?  Those years have been difficult for her.  And still, there's that little "i".  Check out her blog?

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