Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nothing could be finer than to be in's PANTHER SEASON!

      Today, my daughter (7 months pregnant) and her husband travelled to Wofford College to sit in the hot sun and watch the Panthers’ pre-season practice.  It’s not lost on her that baby Jack is due the same week that the season starts.  Yesterday, my grandson arrived for a visit in his tiny little Panther jersey.  We live in “Panther Country” and we’re pretty typical avid fans of the home team.  Our family has had season tickets for as long as the Panthers have called Charlotte “home”.  We have our favorite players, proudly displayed on the back of our jerseys.  We know every player by name and number, and some of our family can quote each player’s “stats”.  We rejoice when they have a winning season and grieve with them through every loss.  We talk about them as if they are family.

Jerry Richardson is the owner of the Panthers.  We don’t talk about him very much.  Dave Gettleman is the General Manager.  I didn’t even know his name.  I had to look it up.  There is a Director of College Scouting and a Director of Pro Scouting on the Panthers staff.  There’s an Equipment Manager and a Head Athletic Trainer.  I don’t know their names either.

While I have an affection for the players, and it is incumbent on them to win games, the Panthers’ organization would be lost without the owner, the GM, they guys who find the talent, the ones who make sure the equipment is properly cared for, the ones who plan for and supervise the training of the players.  Every one of them has a different role.  And, depending on who you ask, it might seem like one is more valuable than the others.  But the truth is, in large part the team could not function effectively if one of those people was absent for any length of time.

Equal in value.

       NOT THE SAME.
The translation of “equal means same” has crept into our theology from our culture.  The influence of such thinking has had a dramatic effect on our understanding of God’s extraordinary plan for gender.  At the time of creation, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them…”  They were, men and women, created equal in the image of God.  Equal in importance.  Equal in personhood.  Equal in worth.[1]

BUT “EQUAL” DOES NOT MEAN “SAME”.  The American Heritage dictionary defines “equal” as “having the same quantity, measure, or value as another.  Being the same or identical in value.  Having the same privileges, status, or rights.”  Even as a child, the “equal does not mean same” principle proves true when we learn that four quarters are equal to one dollar…but they are not the same.  The quarters are round, and silver, and made of metal.  The dollar is green.  It is made of paper.  They are equal. But not the same. 

     One cup of water is equal in measure to one cup of flour. 
     But they are not the same.

            One small spoonful of peanut butter is equal in calories to a whole plate of broccoli. 

                 But they are not the same.  (Obviously.)

To presume sameness in the name of equality doesn’t make sense, even from a purely practical perspective.  Because our nation, and our churches, have a history of dismissing whole populations of people --- image bearers of the Creator --- we have a sense of desperate responsibility to overcorrect the errors of our forefathers.  Because women, for centuries, have endured the disdain and dismissal of men, we are passionate to affirm our equality.  And that is understandable.

But promoting sameness, becoming “gender blind” is not the answer.  It’s actually not even possible.  At least in some measure, what’s happening in our families, and our churches and our neighborhoods is the acceptance of a “new normal” that is distinctly unbiblical.  According to Genesis 1, we are not free to determine our own identity.  We are created equally in the image of God.  We bear His image equally.  We are equal in personhood.  Equal in value.  But “equal” is not in opposition to “different”.

Ask our quarterback, Cam Newton.  He may be “Superman”, but where would he be without Ted Ginn, Jr who last week caught a 55-yard touchdown pass…before leaping the white picket fence that surrounds the practice field…
Equal in importance.
     Equal in personhood.
           Equal in talent.
BUT NOT THE SAME.  Thankfully.

Maybe it's worth asking:  what would happen to our team if we promoted "sameness" in the interest of "equality"?  What will happen in our homes...our churches...our community...our nation?  What will we lose??
NOTE:  This is the 5th installment in a series

[1] See blog entry, August 3:  “Me, Tarzan.  You, Jane.”

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