Thank you, Angela.
It's the punch line to our story.
Jesus comes to Martha's house.
While He is teaching, she is slaving away in the kitchen,
"distracted by things that had to be done."
(If you think i'm being sarcastic, you've missed a few blogs...
you might want to back up.)
Meanwhile, her sister sits at the feet of the Savior, soaking in His presence and His teaching.
When Martha reaches the end of her rope,
she unloads on Jesus and demands that He get her some help ---
preferably from her o-so-content sister.
i am on the tail end of one of the busiest seasons i've had in a very long time. One evening, after a particularly long day, i got into my car at 9:30ish and it was all i could do not to cry. i wasn't sad, or angry, or discouraged. i was just so tired... and it seemed like the only thing to do.
i'm thinking Martha felt that way too. And Jesus knew how tired she was. He knew how hard she had worked. He knew that she was doing her best to honor Him and provide for their friends. It's why i love this story. He didn't yell at her. He didn't compare her to "the good sister". He didn't really even tell her what to do.
He looked into her soul (think Psalm 139:23-25) and saw just what Angela described. Her anxiety, bitterness, resentment and self-pity overflowed from the emptiness of her soul. Jesus knew that her demanding outburst really reflected a heart screaming for intimacy with Him.
And so He offered her an invitation.
"Only one thing is needed."
Seriously? (i respond in my sanctified imagination to Jesus' remark.)
Yes, Susan. (He patiently and tenderly responds.)
Only one thing.
i hear it, and i sigh with hope and expectation. What is the "one thing"? Time? Energy? Courage? A sister who carries her own weight? Not exactly.
"Mary has chosen what is better..."
And there it is. The infamous statement that has become the mantra that separates the "busy women" from the "spiritual ones". Only i suspect we've misinterpreted Jesus' meaning.
Jesus looks Martha in the eye and says (i'm paraphrasing): "You want me to help you? Great. Join your sister and have a seat."
And this is Martha's dilemma. Mine too. Most days, i'd love to have a seat. i'd love to set the list aside. Prioritize my day and choose to "sit with Jesus". Like Mary. But i just don't think it's as simple as that. Something tells me that's not what Jesus meant.
At the risk of repeating myself, Jesus did not say to Martha "Stop being busy". "Stop preparing dinner." He said Mary's choice was better. That sitting at His feet and listening to His teaching was better than being distracted by the list and the pressure. He said that to sit and listen was better than being worried and anxious about many things.
Considering Jesus' comment in the context of all of Scripture is helpful here. Over and over and over again as people met Jesus, they fell at His feet. In worship.* Mary's position at Jesus' feet is not just a coincidence of the seating arrangement. She chooses to be there because she wants to worship Him. She adores Him. And her position gives her heart away.
Mary's nearness to Jesus is the picture, the illustration, of what He longs for for Martha.
It's not the sitting that is better.
It's the worship.
The one thing needed, intimacy with Jesus, is found in the posture of Mary's soul....This is Jesus' invitation to Martha. To engage her heart with His in devotion.
Such a posture can be enjoyed literally at His feet, as this photograph so beautifully illustrates. But intimacy with the Savior is not limited by location. Jesus' engraved invitation might have read something like this:
Martha, Martha
You are cordially invited
to the one thing needed.
Worship Me.
At any time.
In any place. the kitchen.
...Or in the living room.
...Or in the office.
....Or in the van.
...Or in the gym.
...Or in the darkness of a parking lot after a very long day, at 9:30 at night.
It isn't about physical proximity. It's about a heart screaming for intimacy with the Savior. And He isn't limited by location.
Can i get an "AMEN"?
*Consider Jairus, and the woman with the bleeding condition, and the man with leprosy, an dthe women who were met on the road by the risen Savior....each of these fell down before Him and worshipped Him,
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